Drivers Training
We offer segment 1 and 2 drivers training courses for students under 18 years old.
Holding classes at 6 different Mid-Michigan locations so you can find one near you.
Segment 1 = $415 ($100 deposit to register and $315 cash or check the first day of class)
Segment 2 = $90 ($90 paid in full to register)
please visit the "Current Class info" page for up-coming class information
Please visit the "Book Now" page to book a seat in an up-coming class

Segment 1
Drivers training segment 1 consists of 24 hours of classroom and 6 hours of driving. Classes are 2 hours per day, And usually run A round 3 weeks. Students will receive 4 hours of driving on the road with an instructor and 2 hours of range driving for a total of 6 hours. Books and worksheets are provided and homework is mandatory. Students must pass an 80 question exam in order to pass driver's training with a 70% or better.
Students must be 14 years and 8 months old by the 1st day of class to be able to participate.
Segment 2
Drivers training segment 2 consists of 6 hours of classroom there is no driving.. Classes are done 2 hours per day for 3 days.
Students must have:
Held their level one learner's license for at least 3 months
Have 30 hours of driving practice with 2 of which at night on the driving log.

Segment 1 Driver Education:
Teens must be at least age 14 years and 8 months to begin Segment 1 driver education.
Parents need to communicate with their teen’s driver education instructor to receive feedback on their teen’s progress.
Segment 2 Driver Education:
Teens must hold a Level 1 Learner’s License a minimum of 3 months.
A driving log must be presented showing 30 of the 50 hours of parent supervised driving time was completed, including 2 of 10 nighttime hours. Segment 2 includes a minimum of 6 hours of classroom instruction and a written exam.
We suggest using RoadReady - Free Teen Driving App - Log and Track Your Time (

​Classroom Instruction Requirements
A minimum of 24 hours of instruction.
A maximum of 2 hours of instruction per day.
A maximum of 36 students per class (no exception).
Home study time is not considered time earned toward the 24-hour classroom requirement.
A student must pass the state-approved written test for consideration of a certificate of completion. The driver education program provider may have additional classroom requirements that must be met to award a certificate including: attendance, homework and additional testing requirements. Passing the state test does not guarantee that a student has passed the classroom phase.
​Driving Instruction Requirements
A minimum of 4 hours of classroom instruction must be completed prior to beginning driving instruction.
A minimum of 3 hours of driving instruction must be completed before the last classroom session. The remaining driving instruction must be completed no later than 3 weeks after the final classroom instruction.
A minimum of 6 hours of on-the-road driving instruction. A maximum of 2 hours of driving instruction on a multiple vehicle driving facility (range) may be counted toward the 6-hour requirement. However, a student must receive at least 4 hours of on-the-road driving instruction.
A maximum of 1 hour of driving instruction per day is allowed
The maximum number of students in a driver education vehicle is 4. No more than 2 people can occupy the front seat. In addition, a student will not be given driving instruction individually unless there is written consent from a parent.
A student must receive 4 hours or more of observation time in the training vehicle.
Classroom and driving instruction will be integrated and related, which means that the classroom and driving instruction must occur within relatively the same time period.
The Safeway
Michigan's premier road test and drivers education services. Certified by the State of Michigan since 1992.
A team of degreed professional educators who bring 50+ years of public and private school education to the road and classroom.
Our team has remained small so that we never jeopardize the quality training that provided with a dedication to building quality drivers and safety on the roads of our home town.
Family owned and operated.