We got answers
Here is a collection of our most common questions that we get asked about each of our services.
Common Questions/Q&A

Road Test Q/A
How much does the road test cost?
We charge $70 for the test and $30 for the rental car if needed.
What kind of rental cars do you have?
We use 4 door midsize vehicles, similar to Chevy impala or Chevy equinox.
If I fail the road test do I get a refund?
NO REFUNDS - If you fail the test for any reason you will not be given a refund.
It is very important that you are preparing for the test by practicing and making sure that you have all of your paperwork and equipment in good working order.
how many points do I get before I fail the (basic control skills) parking portion of the test?
Passing score is 6 points or less. A score of 7 points or more is a fail on the (basic control skills) parking portion of the test.
If I fail the parking (basic control skills) do I get to drive on the road?
No. If you fail the (basic control skills) parking portion of the road test the road test is over and you are not allowed to drive on the road.
How long do I have to wait before I can take the test again if I fail?
You can take the test again the next day. However it's always a good idea to get some practice before attempting another road test.
How many points can I have on the road portion of the test before I fail?
25 points or less is a passing score on the road portion of the road test, 26 points or more would be a failing score.
Can you fail on the road portion of the road test automatically?
Yes. There is a list of automatic failures on the road portion of the road test in the road skill study guide.
What is a document failure?
A: document failure is when you fail to provide the correct documentation in order to perform your road test. If you come to the test and do not have the proper paperwork it will be considered a document failure.
What is an equipment failure?
When the vehicle that you bring is not in good working order working order. (Like a brake light, tail light, head light, or blinker not working etc.)

Driver's Training
Segment 1 Q/A
How old do you need to be to be able to take driver's ed segment one?
Students must be at least 14 years and 8 months old by the 1st day of segment on driver's training class.
*How long is each class?
Classes are 2 hours long.
What documents will we need for segment one driver's training class?
Students will need to provide a birth certificate and a signed segment 1 contract.
How long does segment one driver's training class usually last?
Classes usually runs 3 or 4 weeks depending on how many days a week the class is running. Driving can sometimes be scheduled after class is over depending on availability.
What happens if I miss a segment one class?
Students are only allowed to miss one class for any reason, after the 2nd absence students are dropped from the class, as there is only 1 make up class. Also students who miss a class will be required to write a 2 page paper as a makeup assignment. Students are encouraged to attend all classes and try not to miss.
Is there homework in segment one driver's training?
Yes homework is mandatory. Students that fail to complete their homework will be dismissed from class.
Do I have to pass a big test at the end of segment one class?
Yes. There is a 80 question test that students must receive at least 70% correct in order to pass the class.
When do we start driving in segment one driver's training class?
Students are allowed to start driving after the end of the 2nd class. Driving consists of 4 hours on the road with an instructor and 2 hours on the range.

Driver's Training
Segment 2 Q/A
What are the requirements to take segment 2 driver's training?
Students must have a level one learner's license for at least 3 months and also have at least 30 hours of driving practice logged with 2 of which at night.
How long does segment 2 class last?
Segment 2 is taught over 3 days, classes are 2 hours sessions.
Is there a big test at the end of segment 2 class?
There is a 20 question test at the end of class that you must receive a 70% correct passing score.
Is there any driving in segment 2?
No. This segment is all classroom learning.
How long do I have to wait after segment 2 before I can take the road test?
There is no waiting period after the segment 2 drivers training class. Students must have a level one license for at least 6 months before they are allowed to take the road test.

Adult Lessons Q/A
How many Driving lessons will I need?
Once we have done the 1st lesson we will be able to give you an idea of what we think in our professional opinion. It's very difficult to tell you how many lessons you will need if we've never seen you drive.
What kind of car will we drive?
We drive 4 door midsize vehicles, with driver ed signs, and dual control brakes on the passenger side for the safety of everyone.
Can we do more than 2 hours or less than 2 hours in a lesson?
Unfortunately no, we have found in our professional experience that 2 hours is a very good amount of time for a lesson. less time and it seems like we are just getting started and we need to finish and more time and it can sometimes become tedious.
Can we work on parking?
Yes ultimately we can work on anything that you like, but are professional opinion is you should work on the driving first and when the driving is comfortable move on to the parking for the road test.
Can we drive my car for the driving lesson?
No we only use Safeway Driving cars with duel controlled brakes and student driver signs.
How will I know my performance on the driving lesson?
We will talk about everything after the lesson - as far as how did it go, areas for improvement, homework, additional lessons, etc.
Is there homework for driving lessons?
Yes, we always request that all students drive for at least 10 hours with their friends and family between lessons, to work on all the things we covered in the prior lesson, so that we can work on something harder and more difficult on the next lesson instead of repeating things.